Pastor James and Kristina Rudd are founders of The Quest, a non denominational church that is committed to being relational and relevant in reaching the world. They have pastored the church for many years. The location has taken on many changes through the years, in what was a church plant some twenty years ago. Pastor James has established The Quest and is moving forward to reach this generation with a relevant message and the training of the family unit. Pastor James and Kristi have been married for 30 years and have three children Greg, Joshua, and Christian.
The Quest is a church with a vision to see the world impacted by proclaiming the good news everywhere we go. The Gospel is good news and, in the world we live, people need good news. We envision to evangelize and see souls birthed into the kingdom in prisons, hospitals, and nursing homes, on the job, in the community, in church and in every place we go. This should be our priority. Leading people to Jesus and then moving them from the "milk of the Word" to the "meat of the Word" should be commonplace. As the Gospel should be impacting our community one family at a time, we must restore vision to the local church. A church should be more than just a meeting place; it should be a place of preparation of learning to win at life.
The scriptures declare where there is no vision the people perish. At The Quest it is our focus to be a people of vision. We must have a vision for our marriages, our children, our businesses, our futures and most of all for the vision that God has called into our lives. A vision is powerful as it will keep us focused, disciplined, centered, and on track when others stray. That is simply why the Word of God declares without it, we will perish. The marriages, the finances, and relationships will all perish. The ability to see clearly will impact everything that we touch. A Vision will keep us sharp and on our toes, ready to awaken to every great thing that God has in store for our lives.
In a time that Godly vision has been discarded for ambition and riches, it is the place of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to rise up and impact every area of life. It is the vision of The Quest to truly be a people of vision, so that in whatever area of life we live, we will impact others by being a people of purpose with this vision. We must keep focused as Jesus declared; seek the Kingdom first and THEN all these other things will be added to you.
We pray you will come and join us and gain or maybe regain the Vision that God has prepared for you before the foundation of the World. You indeed are called to be more than a conqueror. It is the Lord’s desire that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Christians United for Israel
Life Outreach - James Robison
Philip Cameron Ministries

A21 Campaign
Marriage Today
Food for the Poor